In 1980 I interviewed my dad, Donald Stuart Grant, and asked him about his mother, Ethel Frances Gilchrest Grant. This is what he said: "My mother was a very easy-going person, always finding the good side of people. I never heard her say anything bad about anybody. She would say, "if...
The sun had not yet risen in the city and already it was getting hot, not that it had ever really cooled off in the night. Two days before, on Tuesday, a new record was set for the hottest day ever recorded, only for it to be broken the very next...
March 19, 2013 Dear Grandpop, Today you would have been 95, if we still had you on this earth. But as it turns out, you were only with us 90 and 3/4 years. I miss you. Life goes on and time continues, but when I fully allow myself to dive into...
Once upon a time, when I did what real men do, I was a Cobra (gunship) pilot. And I was driving back from an airfield where I was the safety officer in charge of some REAL cosmic stuff, and I noticed a pilot walking along,...
On Soaring with the Eagles … Okay, the dang kid was… Well, he was sort of a jerk, actually. For years. And he was always very...
PERSPECTIVE We have reached an apex of history which will never be understood by future generations. The disintegration of the Communist block of nations may continue until they are forgotten, a concept this generation finds unimaginable, but which is true, non-the-less. Communism may become forgotten. Incredible. The...
Written by Marva Twitchell Davis The building has the year 1901 on it and was built as the Town Hall. It is made of light brick and red sandstone. The red sandstone was hauled from Spanish Fork Canyon. The outside walls are made of one brick and two adobe. The divided...
It's 7pm and my nanna has now been in hospital for one week. She has been brilliant staying in her own home 97 years but as 98 approached she took to her bed, prefering to sleep the day away. Concerned, my father called in the carers. Just prior to her stay...
My grandfather, Petillo Emmett Leatherwood, loved history because he lived it. Growing up quite literally at his knee, I lived history vicariously and learned to love it, too. He was born in 1873 on a tenant farm in Bastrop County, TX. Orphaned by the death of his father at the age...
Oh @%+*&! (Darn!!) Engine Failure in the Dark Once, in 1984… just north of a little place called Badger Gap… near Yakima, Washington, I had an engine failure. At night. I got real scared. It is embarrassing to tell you just how scared a man can be and still maintain...
In my spare time I do some volunteer work as a secretary for a fairly large church organization. There is always someone to do for, as there was one day recently. I arrived late, and I found a little girl quietly minding her...
Picture with with a President - Found Among My Family Keepsakes Like so many baby boomers, I have boxes of my own photos gathered, throughout the years, along with many photo albums that I inherited when my parents passed on. Among these are photos and memorabilia from one of my...
Hi Friends of Legacy, This story was contributed by Tom Cordle, author and songwriter. I asked him to write a press article related to our January Theme which was "Turning over a new leaf". I wasn't expecting to be included in the article but his angle was creative and I think...
"Grandpa, do you really know Sinterklaas?" This was the question posed to me by Zach, my five-year-old grandson during my visit with his family on December 6th. One of our family traditions around the Christmas season is that Sinterklaas' (Dutch name for Saint Nicholas) makes a visit to the homes...
This picture of my father, Harold Joseph Bennett was taken on an unknown island in the South Pacific while he was serving in World War II. It dates from about 1944. He enlisted into the SeaBees right after graduation from High School in June 1943. Daddy used to tell us about...
I am an expert crocheter, thanks to my grandma’s teaching, yet an equally-inept knitter and seamstress, despite my grandma’s teaching. From a very young age, my grandma was a gifted seamstress, knitter, and crocheter. (Her dad had been a tailor. She figured she must have “inherited” her talent from him.) When...
It is a chilly summer evening in San Francisco, California. It is the evening of my husband's birthday. We had just returned from dinner and are sitting on our back porch, talking. "Do you think your birth mother is thinking about you today?" My husband, Paul, was adopted, back in Pittsburgh,...
One of the gloomy realities that came with my retirement was the economic necessity to give up my beloved little red airplane. Most people knew her (Like ships, all airplanes are of the feminine persuasion) as an AA1A Grumman Trainer - Not me. Once I got to know her and understood...
How far in the past does an event have to have occurred before it can be called “history?” I have no idea. But as for a man’s personal life and times it seems reasonable to say that the day he becomes an octogenarian he can be forgiven if he looks back...
For our 25 year wedding anniversary, I surprised Byron with a trip to Asheville, NC for a two night stay at the Biltmore House. Our anniversary is December 31st. When we arrived, we were treated like royality. We decided we wanted something to eat but not a full meal so we...