2012 Goal Setting

As 2011 comes to a close and a new year begins, it is an opportunity to reflect on past experiences, unachieved goals, and wishes to improve.  Often, people take this time to set New Year's Resolutions.  Too often, these resolutions are short-lived and by mid-March they are all but forgotten.  As a rule, I don't make a list of New Year's Resolutions for that reason. 

In order to achieve longer range goals, it is important to break them down into shorter goals.  The cumulative effect is the accomplishment of longer range goals, some of which I have struggled with for years, and still have a long way to go to accomplish them satisfactorally.  So at this time, I will list some of my goals  for 2012.

First, I would like to become better at scheduling time for peace and solitude on a daily basis.  Just making this time is a difficult task for me, as experiences of the past have shown.  But in this planning, I would include daily scripture readings and taking the time to ponder how I can better incorporate these ideals into my daily activities.  This also includes taking time at the end of the day to evaluate how well I did.  I know that it takes at least twenty-one days to make a habit, and if even one day is missed, the time must start over.  So my goal would be to make sure I do this without fail for at least twenty-one days to establish the habit.

Secondly, I want to include in my planning, spending time each day with my dear spouse and mother who is living with us--as well as other members of my family--better than I have done in the past.  Not just time, but spending quality time to help bond relationships better.

Thirdly, I plan to retire from teaching in the public schools on my 68th birthday--May 31, 2012-- and to this end, I have lots of unfinished tasks from cleaning out my classroom and storeroom at school to organizing and directing my efforts to continue expressing my life values and experiences via LegacyStories.org. 

Fourth (in conjunction with retirement--I prefer to say I am retreading rather than retiring), to continue my efforts in organizing 52 years of famly history and genealogical research so that I can resume effective research, working with professional genealogical research and the Living Legacy Project and continuing expansion of my abilities to assist others as an ambassador and certified legacy advisor, thus helping individuals preserve their ideals and values through their life experiences, one story at a time.

As I work to accomplish all of these things, and improving my spiritual life in all these goals, I hope to continue to improve and walk the walk in the steps of my Savior, Jesus Christ through the companionshp of the third member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost.  I know this will require vigilant and methodical planning and evaluation and enhancing relationships with those with whom I come in contact.  The year 2012 will certainly be a year of challenges and transition as I continue to do physical therapy and overcome some of the challenges of age that come naturally.  My major goal is to face the future with faith, not fear, and to do the best that I can with the time that I have to continue to serve my fellowmen and recognize opportunities to do so.

How Grandpa Folkers died
Pig Roast, 11/19/2011

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Administrator (website) on Friday, 30 December 2011 00:40

These are the kinds of goals that exhibit experience and wisdom. You have them all in the right place. I have no doubt you'll accomplish them this time Golden. Considering all the things one could aspire to you have chosen goals from the heart which are the best of all to pursue. Excellent.

These are the kinds of goals that exhibit experience and wisdom. You have them all in the right place. I have no doubt you'll accomplish them this time Golden. Considering all the things one could aspire to you have chosen goals from the heart which are the best of all to pursue. Excellent.