By Rachel Johnson on Friday, 27 July 2012
Category: Tragedy

Human Tragedy as Seen by a Child

When I was in first grade President Kennedy was shot and ultimately died...

When I was in first grade President Kennedy was shot and ultimately died.  Riding home in the bus, all the older kids were talking about it.   They had been told by a school wide announcement which did not include the Kindegarten or First Grade Classes.  My first thought was,  wondering why they hadn't told us.  The full impact did not hit me until I got home.  My extended family had gathered at our house.  They were looking at the grainy black and white images on tv of President Kenedy and his family in better times.  With the newscasters breaking in for announcements.  It was disquieting to see them crying.  I went to visit a friend to get away from the tv.  When I was running home that night at dust, I began to feel afraid, there I was taking my familiar shortcut through the woods.  For the first time I was scared someone might shoot me running through the woods.  "If", I reasoned, "they could shoot the President with all his guards and power, they could easily shoot me."  It was the first time in my life that I felt vulnerable.  That really there was no one to protect me.  I think that I knew at that point, I would never feel as safe again.

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