By Denise Quinlan on Friday, 03 May 2013
Category: Childhood

Home and Surroundings during Early Childhood

My first day of school was a little traumatic.  We were living with the family that had a dog with different color eyes.  They were an older couple. The lady peeled potatoes every afternoon.  She would open a brown paper bag and spread it out on the table.  Then she would sit and peel the potatoes with a knife taking a lot of the potatoe off with the skin.

I walked to school in the afternoon and I got lost.  I'd gone a few times with Dennis but all the houses and streets looked alike.  I started to cry and a car driving by saw me and asked what was wrong.  I told them and they showed me the way to the school.  I met the crossing guard and we became close friends.  I looked forward to seeing her every day.

This was the same family that had an upstairs boarder.  He was an old man and always wanted to take me to the movies.  I told him I wouldn't go without Dennis.  He was the first man to abuse me.  He gave me candy and I took it.

The lady with the yellow hair was this couples daughter.  She was the one that forced Dennis to eat spinach until he vomited.  No wonder he won't eat very many vegetables to this day.

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