By Steve Redd on Tuesday, 07 February 2012
Category: Legacy Story

A Hero Among Men by Michelle McKnight

While I must admit that I was among the throngs of teen-aged girls who spent their afternoons daydreaming of one day becoming Mrs. Steven Redd, that is not what moved me to post on here. I met Steve & his brother Mike at Piute Jr. High School, they were both great guys. Steven was kind to everyone and always had some words of encouragement when the day did not go as planned. He was smart and funny and sweet and kind, to everyone; he was the real deal.

My favorite memory of Steven was at Piute, I was being bullied and while I didn't mention it to anyone, he saw it in action and asked me why I didn't stick up for myself. He told me that those bullies were just jealous of me because they would never be nice people. This of course did not end the bullying, but it made a difference in how I perceived those girls. Steven, at 12 years old had the wisdom that many people never acquire through all of their life experiences. I hadn't seen Steve in probably 20 years, but had caught up on FB, even thought our exchanges were brief, his love for his wife, his children and his job were very evident. It broke my heart to hear the news of the tragic accident that took him from this world all too soon.

Whether you knew Steve as a boy and remembered him for his athletic abilities, charming smile or quick wit; or you knew him as a man; a wonderful and devoted father & husband or dedicated soldier fighting for all of our freedoms; you were privileged to have known him. In memory of a life well lived and a hero among men!

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