By Linda Hoskins on Wednesday, 09 January 2013
Category: Ancestors

1980 life update Verna Maurine Brown Malm

The following information was written in early 1980 by my mother, Verna Maurine Brown Malm. This account of my mother's life has some details not included in the account written April 20, 1956.

I was born 3 December 1902 the 2nd child in a family of 7 children in a little house on Bellvue Street in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I had one older sister Lucile Brown not yet 2 years old.  My parents didn't have very much money and mother used to take in sewing to help out. They had seven children-Lucile, myself, Kenneth, Eleanor, Gordon, Robert and Shirley.  My older sister Lucile died when I was 13 years old.  My brother Gordon was run over by a train and killed before he was 8 years old.  My Mothers name was Eliza Hugentobler and my father was Samuel Vernon Brown.  We always went to Sunday School and were all baptized when 8 years old.  I also attended primary, religion class and mutal in the 9th Ward of Liberty Stake.  We belonged to the L D S Church.  The house I was born in was in the 2nd ward but we moved to 449 E 6th South when I was very young.  My grandfather built the house on 6th South and later sold it to my parents,  We used to help with the work as much as we could.  I can remember washing clothes on a wash board and boiling them on the old coal stove in the kitchen.

My mother bought a piano for Lucile and I to take lessons.  A friend of the family gave us the lessons free of charge. She lived a long way from us and I remember roller skating to her home and back again from my lesson.  Mother paid for the piano by extra work sewing.  My Dad used to drive a team of horses and worked only when the weather was good so they charged the horses feed in the winter and had to pay off the bill when his work was good in the summer.  Sometimes he hauled coal in the winter.  

I attended the Oquirick school for 7 years next 1 year at the Sumner School where I graduated.  Then I went to the L D S High School.  I worked after school and on Saturday to pay my expenses.  I did not go on to College.  After I graduated from High School we moved to Hawthorne California for about 4 months where I worked for the Title Ins & Trust Co in Los Angeles.  We got homesick and came back home to Salt Lake City and I went to work for Miller & Viele. (Farm loans)

My parents were not very active in the church.  My grandfather Brown was a Bishop's Counselor in the 9th ward for 23 years.  My grandfather Hugentobler sold his birthright in Switzerland and came to Utah.  They were both converts to the L D S Church in Europe.

I knew my husband 6 years before we were married.  We went together off and on during that time.  I taught Sunday School and was secretary in Primary in the 9th ward.  I lived in the 9th ward until I was married August 1925 after which we moved to Van Buren Ave in the Jefferson Ward.  We were living on Van Buren Ave when our 1st son Keith was born (9/17/26).  He was born in the Holy Cross Hospital, Salt Lake City and we named him Keith Harold Malm.  He was still a baby when we moved to 821 Browning Ave near Liberty Park.  I forgot to mention we were married in the City and County Bldg in Salt Lake City by Bishop Geo H Graham.  (I know we should have been married in the Temple but for some strange reason I didn't want it that way) I guess my testimony wasn't strong enough as it should have been.  Also my parents were 1st married by Civil law so I followed their example.

Our 2nd son Reed Vernon Malm was born in our home at 821 Brownilng Ave.  Keith was so excited when he found he had a new baby brother he came to me and wanted to know if he couldn't take him ouside in his little red wagon to show him to all his friends.  While we lived on Browning Ave Keith and his father attended church regularly in the Hawthorne Ward.  Those were some of the happiest days of our married life.  My husband worked for Barr Chevrolet as parts manager.  He continued on in that line of work (Chrysler Plymouth parts mgr) after we moved to California.

My husband had 4 brothers besides his parents who lived in Salt Lake City at the time we were married.  We spent many happy hours with them when our children were small.

After we moved to Inglewood in Nov 1938 my mother had a nervous breakdown.  My sister Eleanor, her husband and family were living in Honolulu.  My brother was in the submarine service and mother was in Salt Lake with my youngest sister Shirley.  My brother Robert was visiting my mother at the time of her breakdown so he sent for me.  I went back to Salt Lake with my youngest son Reed to stay as long as I was needed.  My husband and oldest son Keith stayed in Inglewood.  While I was in Salt Lake City my sister Eleanor came from Honolulu and took my mother home with her so I went back to Inglewood.  After awhile Eleanor became ill and couldn't care for mother any longer so she sent her to me in Inglewood.  It took a long time but mother finally recovered and was fine for a couple of years.

In June 1940 my brother who was still in the service married Lucy Piacenza who lived in Connecticut.  In 1941 he decided to bring his wife to California because he expected to be stationed probably in San Diego and he could be closer to her and he did not like the weather in Connecticut.  She became pregnant so he left her with us in Inglewood.  So for awhile I had my husband on our 2 sons & my sister-in-law and my mother living with me making 6 in the family.  On Dec 7, 1941 war was declared.  My brother was in Honolulu visiting my sister Eleanor. He was stationed at Pearl Harbour and the same day Lucy had her baby prematurely (7month) needless to say it was a very difficult day.  I spent the day at the hospital with Lucy and my husband was frantically trying to get in touch with my brother and sister in Honolulu to see if they were OK.  Luckily they were.  Bob was delayed getting stationed in California because of the war.  Lucy rented a small house and mother stayed with her so she wouldn't be alone.  They weren't too far away from where I lived.  With the war going on Eleanor and her husband and family decided it was not safe to stay in Honolulu so they came to Inglewood too.  No job, very little money and 3 children the youngest a small baby (9mo old-Sandra).  Bob came back moved his family to National City.  Mother came back to live with me.  Eleanor moved into the house Lucy rented until they could find a home for themselves.  Eleanor found a house and Walter found a job so things worked out OK after all.  Needless to say it was pretty hectic for awhile with so many people in one house.

On Feb 28 1946 my daughter Linda was born in the Hawthorne hospital.  Hawthorne is a small city adjoining Inglewood.  My husband was very proud of his new daughter and both her brothers idolized her.  Keith had been in the Merchant Marines during the war.  He was unable to go in the Army or Navy as he had a bad knee.  He came home in Feb 1946.  Reed was about 14 and had an afternoon paper route at the time Linda was born.  He delivered papers on his bicycle and the day I went to the hospital to have Linda  A dog jumped out in front of him and caused him to have an accident and they had to take him to the emergency hospital for treatment.  So that night my husband was late coming to see me as he was with Reed.  Luckily Reed wasn't hurt real bad.  Just minor injuries although I really believe that was the beginning of his health problems.  Reed spent his 18th birthday in the Hospital.  It was then we found out he had diabetes which changed his whole life.

Keith was married in Nov 1948 to Shirley Ann Burton by Bishop Arlow W Nalder of Inglewood ward.  She was not a member of the L D S Church.  They lived in Hawthorne and Keith worked for American Airlines.  It was about this time Keith and I flew to Florida to visit my sister Shirley who was living in Coral Gables.  A good neighbor of mine took care of Linda in the daytime and at night their father took care of Linda & Reed.  It was a lovely trip.  

Reed was unable to go into the service because of his diabetes.  We finally discovered a chiropractor in Hawthorne who was able to help him and he got better eventually.  All the choice jobs were closed to him because of his health condition.  He worked for Langendorf Bakery for awhile.  He bought him a house in Hawthorne and moved from our home.  He liked boats, motorcycles, Jeeps etc.  About this time he met and married Arlene Rankin.  She had one daughter about  2 or 3 years old by a previous marriage.

Keith left American Airlines and worked for the Telephone Co for awhile which didn't turn out too well.  He and his wife moved to 3 Rivers and took over a gas station.  Then he had a chance to go to Visalia and work for United Airlines.  Reed decided to join his brother in Visalia so he sold his home in Hawthorne and moved to Visalia.  He got a job in Tulare for a glass Co.  Reed and Arlene were married in Las Vegas and they bought a home in Visalia.

When my husband died in 1959 Linda and I were living alone in Inglewood so I decided to move to Visalia.  In July of 1960 Reed and Keith helped me move to Visalia.  After about a year I sold my home in Inglewood as the renters moved out.  Looking back I can see I should have kept it but I thought it was too hard to care for property so far away.  Linda was about 14 when we moved to Visalia.  She finished High School there and went to COS for 2 years then got a job in Fresno with Social Security office.  After Linda married I lived alone for 4 years and decided I didn't like to live alone so I sold my home and moved over to Reed's house till I made up my mind what to do.  In the meantime Keith had moved from 621 N Akers Rd next to me.  He and Shirley were divorced and Keith ended up in Hilo, Hawaii.  He is now living in Las Vegas.

Reed and Arlene sold their home on Hurley Ave and seperated for awhile.  After their son Kenney was born they went back together again and bought another home at 602 S Linwood Ave.  That is where I moved to.  I stayed at Reeds home until I rented a small house across the highway on Linwood Ave where I lived alone for another 2 years.

By this time after 10 years and 2 children Linda and John were divorced.  Linda re-married and was living in Petaluma.  Reed passed away on 1 Feb 1976 so I decided to join my daughter in Petaluma.  I often wonder what my life would have been like had I stayed in Inglewood.  At the time of his death Reed was working for Valley Armored Transport Co.  He did a very good job and it did a lot for him in overcoming his inferiority complex.  His boss thought the world and all of him.  He held the job for several years.

All of my children married out of the church.  Keith's wife Shirley was baptized by their son Scott after they were divorced.  Reed's wife Arlene was baptized by Scott after Reed passed away.  Scott became a bishop in the church later on.  He also went on a mission to Mexico.

We moved to Benicia (Linda, Dave & family) in Nov 1979 and bought a home there where we are now living.  

I have always prayed for health and strength and the wisdom to make the right decision.  I feel deep down in my heart that I have had the spirit of the Holy Ghost to guide me.  I have tried to keep the commandments of my Heavenly Father but being a human being I have many weaknesses to overcome.  I get very depressed and lonely (both tools of the devil) but will keep striving to do what is right and maybe someday I can find peace and contentment.



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