I don't know what drives me to start up and run new businesses. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, having tried so many things and failed more than I have succeeded. The part I like most is the dream and bringing the dream into reality.

I believe most everyone has at one time or another dreamed about an idea they thought would change the world or make them rich or build a better mousetrap. The great majority will go to their graves with these dreams unrealized. Many times they think of an idea and then weeks or months later see it on TV or in someone's home. How many times have you thought, That was my idea?

Some of us just can't sit on an idea. Without much thought we jump in with both feet and give it a go. I doubt we'd have the wheel today if not for someone having a dream back in the stone age and acting on it. What would a royalty for the wheel be worth today if there was such a thing?

I'm getting a little old to tackle ideas these days. My dreams are big at my age and unless it is an idea that will make a difference in the world it doesn't get my attention any more. I admit I am still baffled when I see the simplest of inventions appear on TV after believing that all the good ideas have been created. I find myself thinking, Why didn't I think of that? Such an obvious solution right in front of my eyes. Here I am the idea guru and I couldn't see that? What's wrong with me?

The fact is every one of us have asked the same question. So, I know it's in us all. I can only imagine how many ideas and solutions are sitting in the back of millions of ordinary people's minds and on paper somewhere in the world, unfulfilled.

The challenge of bringing a dream into reality is one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced. That's what I love about entrepreneuring. Now the flip side.

I hate the ups and downs. I wish I could say my skin has thickened over the years but it hasn't. In fact, quite the contrary. I'm basically an emotional being and get really excited when things go well and really down when they go badly. These traits require someone nearby to temper the ups and downs that are inevitable when launching dreams. I've never been able to manage my emotions as well as they should be. Thankfully, Christine has been nearby to help keep my emotions in check. She has been put through an unbelievable amount of trial and error over the last 40 years. I admit that I would've bailed on me a long time ago. She hasn't......yet.

There is no greater satisfaction than to experience a dream come true. In my case as an entrepreneur, there is no greater stress than the tumultuous start up roller coaster. I suppose if it were that easy everyone would be doing it. I have paid a heavy price for my successes and am happy to be able to look back on them. There is a huge part of me that regrets never providing my family with a nice, steady, predictable income and normal work hours.

But, when a dream is on the cusp of greatness such as the Living Legacy Project, I can't help myself when I get up every day pushing the ball uphill just over the top and then........................weeeeeeeeee! Nothing compares with the feeling that is about to come our way!! After 5 years of pushing uphill I need a rest....a big rest. Then I want to visit every one of the friends that have helped along the way. It will be so rewarding to celebrate with them all. This is the reason I do what I do! It's not about the money....ever!