Training Mission


At Home on Furlough

When I was in the Navy and we'd be out to sea, once a week we'd have boxing matches.  And the other week we'd have wrestling matches.  It was for entertainment to keep the troops entertained when we were out to sea.  We'd be out six to eight months at a time.  If you volunteered to wrestle and you won your wrestling match, then you would get a two-day pass when you hit port and be first off the ship as a reward.

I was real good at it.  I beat everybody.

So the skipper decided when we had a couple of people that went crazy and tried to jump overboard and commit suicide, he asked the Chief Petty Officer in charge of the Medical Department to show everybody how to subdue people who were going crazy or berserk.  They were going to use me as the 'crazy man'.

Since I had all this experience wrestling and was undefeated -- and this officer was from Bellfontaine, Ohio.  He weighed about 240 pounds and I weighed 120.

He was planning to show everybody aboard ship how to subdue somebody when they go crazy or go berserk.  He was going to show everybody how to take me down.  And I was too fast for him.  I would get between his legs and jump up on his back.  The skipper on top of the deck was watching and laughing.

After about an hour or so he asked for a break.  He needed some rest, so he said, "I've got to get more equipment." 

He went below decks and got a blanket.  He planned to use that blanket to wrap around somebody that's crazy.  So as he approached me, I ended up wrapping the blanket around his legs.  And that was the end of the training mission.









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