Jackie often told me that my little brown rocking chair was her little red rocking chair first.

Then out of the blue Aunt Roberta started talking about Margaret's little rocking chair that she was so stingy about letting any one sit in.

That confirmed it for me that my little red rocking chair that was Jackie's little red rocking chair was really my mother's little red rocking chair that I have today.

The final word:

A few days ago I pointed to the chair and asked, "Mama, whose chair was this?" She said, "I don't know,  mine had flat handles".  The speed at which she answered left no doubt that what Aunt Roberta said was true, but about another chair.

Rosie came over one day and said with delight, "You still have my chair!"  With that the love and ownership of that little rocking chair passed to another generation justing waiting for a new little bottom.

Addition notes about the chair:

Had to have it repaired because it didn't expand in sync with our bottoms.
It was one of those things removed from Grandmother's house a few years for the fire.