By Denise Quinlan on Wednesday, 08 May 2013
Category: Other

My Mom

My Mom hated cooking.  One night she was draining the water off the spaghetti. The lid slipped and the spaghetti went down the drain.  Another time she was cooking pancakes.  The pancake stuck to the pan.  Mom opened the door to the trailer and threw it out, pan and all. 

Mom could make what she called "Gookey Marsh".  This meal consisted of crumbled ground beef, mashed potatoes, and canned peas all mixed up together.  This was a staple at our house along with tomato soup made with milk and meatloaf.  We also had tomato sandwiches and when we didn't have tomatoes I'd have a mayo sandwich.  Mom was usually a waitress somewhere so if we were really desperate we could always go to the diner for a plate of spaghetti.  

As I mentioned Mom was in a roller skating club.  She had white skates with wooden wheels.  She kept them in a red skate box.  When we lived in our house we had a long hallway with wooden floors.  When Mom would go out  I would put on her skates and roll up and down the hallway.  I don't think she ever knew that.

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