George and I were a struggling young couple with five children under the age of four and a half. Our third birth had been twins.

Christmas was fast approaching and money was tight. We especially loved this Holiday. I was concerned about not having money  to buy the little ones toys. Unknown to me, George had tucked a few dollars over the kitchen cabinet so there would be little things for all of our precious ones. They loved the pull toys he bought for them, so every day the four oldest ones marched up and down the hall and through the spare room with their toys going Clickedy Clack, Ding Ding Ding, and Bow Wow Wow. How I loved those sounds. They were so happy.  

The radio was advertising Hamilton watches the month before Christmas. George knew I had been wanting to have a watch, and I thought sure he would find a way to get me one since he found money for the toys. After the children opened their gifts he handed me a watch box. I was so excited and couldn't wait to open it. Was I in for a bigger surprise. Inside the box was a children's play watch that resembled a Hamilton. I was stunned to say the least! I looked at him with teary eyes and a question on my face. He looked back at me with tears in his eyes and said, " This is the closest I could get to buying you the Real thing, but someday you will have one". He gave me much more than a watch that Christmas morning and I was filled with pride of this twenty three year old Daddy.

Merry Christmas To All and To All a Goodnight!