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When you help spread the word about the Living Legacy Project and help sell Archive Vaults and I-ASK Memberships we are able to grow the organization. An additional upside is that you can also earn income in the process and take advantage of new opportunities to grow your existing legacy business.  To receive income from these sales you must use your Affiliate link when registering people into LegacyStories.Org. When you do this we can trace their purchase activity back to you. Compensation only applies to products and services developed by I-ASK or LegacyStories.org. So, it's important to learn how to effectively use your Affiliate link. Read and view the information provided with EACH link below. 

Also, when someone expresses interest in joining I-ASK send them to the Careers page of the LegacyStories website. Everything they need to know is spelled out there. You could add your Wiz Affiliate ID tag to the end of the URL in case they want to join from there. The page is at www.legacystories.org/ask.     

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