By Barbara A. Hotelling on Thursday, 24 November 2011
Category: Legacy Story


One of my earliest memories of childhood with Barbara was during the summer time when we were out of school. I don't remember how old we were. Mom and Pop both worked and I guess there was a lapse in childcare so we got to go out with Granddaddy "Pop" Dodson when he drove around the state to check out wrecked cars for purchase by Dodson Auto Parts the family used auto parts business. I remember Barbara and I would ride in the huge back seat of Granddaddy's Buick and play card games like Go Fish and the game where you count cows and lose all of your cows when you passed a cemetery. I remember looking at the wrecked cars while Granddaddy checked off what might be good on the car and worked up a bid for it. That was pretty early on so I don't remember any other details.

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