In being a good steward of my family history, it is only proper that I journal during this difficult time we find ourselves in. Since we are now a few months into this pandemic, It is probably best that I summarize some of the facts, globally as well as locally, that have transpired up until now.



I know this is a lot of information, but I felt it was good to see how localized the virus was at first and how it has snowballed, picking up speed until now. Officials are predicting the cased will not even peak in the U.S for at least a couple more weeks. I also wanted to document a few of the events that have happened locally (state-wide and within Dallas County) that have affected us personally. 


On a personal note, since the industry I work in is tied closely with the convention industry and all gatherings of more than 10 people have been banned, I have not worked since March 16. I was subsequently furloughed as of March 30 and have filed for unemployment. I can request my first payment the week of April 13.


Due to its length, I will cut this post off here. It is my goal to continue with updates from my perspective going forward. Currently, other than a good friend who is my daughter’s age (they grew up together) that has been diagnosed with double pneumonia and has a COVID-19 test pending, I do not personally know anyone that has possibly been affected by the virus itself. More updates as they become available.