Deborah Tomasetti Perham Discussion started by Deborah Tomasetti Perham, on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 15:37

Hi friends.  I just re-discovered a favorite recipe of my mother-in-law's.  It was handwritten on a scrap of paper and titled "Mom's Best Mac. Dish Sauce." When my husband and I were first married, it was quite funny to discover the differences in our mothers' styles of cooking.  This Italian girl married into an Irish family...hmmmm, how would that work out?!  Pretty darn good, I must evidenced by this scrumptious, very simple recipe.  (P.S.  I got used to my husband's family's style of cooking long before they enjoyed mine.  My stuffed artichokes just never caught on with them!  Say what???!! -- I'll share that recipe soon and let you be the judge.)'s my mother-in-law's "best macaroni dish":

1 box of elbow macaroni - cooked

1.5 lbs chopmeat

2 large onions

1 stalk of celery

2 cans of whole tomatoes

5 green peppers, sliced

2 tbs parmesan cheese

½ tsp oregano

Salt and pepper to taste



Brown chopmeat.  Drain off grease.  Remove to bowl.  In pot where chopmeat was browned, saute onions and celery till tender.  Return chopmeat to pot.  Mix in rest of ingredients, except peppers and macaroni.  Cook 30 minutes.  Add peppers.  Cook another 30 minutes.  Mix in macaroni.  Put mixture into an oven-proof casserole dish.  Sprinkle some breadcrumbs and extra parmesan cheese on top.  Bake 350 degrees until bubbly.  Enjoy!



Deborah Tomasetti Perham
Deborah Tomasetti Perham Oh, by the way...for clarification..."chopmeat" is better known today as "ground beef." Thursday, 30 May 2013 00:12