Throughout my life I have come across a lot of smells.  One of the smells I enjoyed a lot was Estae Lauder used to make a perfume.  I think they called it Estae.

I thought that was the best smelling stuff I ever came across.  I found out what it was and I went and bought my wife some.  

Oh-h-h, that was a big mistake.  She said, "That's too strong.  I don't like it!"  And I said, "Well, okay, then don't wear it."

I don't know whatever did happen to it, whether she threw it away or what.  But I'm telling you at that time, if there was a lady in a room that was wearing it, I could sniff her out just like an 'ol hound dog.

I wasn't quite as bold as I am today, but today I'd probably go in and put my arm around her and say, "Oh, me, you smell good!"

You know, seems to me the ladies around here (senior center) appreciate compliments a lot more than they used to.