Ok, so you may be thinking that I'm gonna say the typical story of going to Sunday Mass or eating the Ham dinner with the extended family.  That would be completely WRONG!  My younger Brother Tyler and I always got candy for Easter when we were young!!!  That's it, that's all we knew of Easter and it still resonates with us to this day!  Jellybeans, Peeps and pastel colored aluminum-wrapped chocolate eggs were and are our saving grace.  By the way, heaven on Earth is sweet!


My Dad, Brother and I with a PAIL of Easter candy from our Mom's Parents...Helen and Wally, Grammy and Grampa.


My Brother and I after engulfing all the contents of the wonderful Easter Pails.  Look at the smiles.  You don't get that kind of reaction every day.  Within an hour we probably had an epic sugar crash and became uncontrollable.


My Brother and I in our tree fort enjoying the fruits of our Easter candy pails on another Easter weekend sugar fest!